Hartland Business Improvement District Co-Op Advertising Grant Program

The Hartland Business Improvement District (BID) will be offering co-op grants for co-op advertising for the calendar year. Advertising can be done with any media outlet that you choose. You may contact the media vendor of your choice rather than waiting for them to contact you.

The amount of co-op advertising available to each business is 50% up to $300 per calendar year. You may choose to use your co-op advertising funds for specific events such as sidewalk sales, holiday shopping, or a grand opening. Or, you may choose to use your funds towards general advertising for your business from Jan. 1 through the end of the year.

The BID is providing co-op funding through matching grants. For example, if a business decides to spend a total of $800 on advertising, the BID will co-op $300 while the business covers the remaining $500. If a business spends a total of $300 on the advertising, the BID will co-op $150 while the business covers the remaining $150.

The business owner must get approval for their advertising from the BID Marketing Committee prior to running the advertisement. The business owner must submit the Co-Op Advertising Grant Program Application along with the advertising campaign and quote/estimate from the vendor. An outside vendor must be used for the advertising. The BID will not approve or pay any invoices for in-house work.

For print advertisement, including billboard advertising, the BID logo must be placed prominently in the advertisement. All selected vendors will receive a copy of the BID logo for placement in the advertisement.

For web pages or e-mail communications created for the purpose of promoting a particular product or service, the BID logo must be placed in a visible place in the content with a link back to the BID website. (This grant does not apply to general web sites, web site development or hosting fees.)

In the case of a banner ad, pay-per-click ad campaign, or search engine optimization, the business must incorporate “Explore Downtown Hartland. Dine. Shop. Connect.” in the ad copy or include the linked BID logo in the landing page a user is taken to upon clicking.

For television and radio advertising, the commercial must state “Explore Downtown Hartland. Dine. Shop. Connect.”

Please note, only businesses that are located in the BID district can be listed in the co-op advertisement. If a business chooses to partner with a business located outside the BID district, the ad becomes ineligible for the BID co-op grant.

The business is required to submit a copy of the following items before the run date to be eligible for grant:

  1. The Co-Op Advertising Grant Program Application provided by the BID
  2. Vendor contract, ad campaign and quote/estimate
  3. Approval from the BID Marketing Committee, which meets the first Friday of each month or by appointment.

Once the advertising has been run and invoice paid, the business must submit verification of advertising, and a copy of the paid invoice to the BID office for grant processing. Verification of advertising can be a copy of the ad or commercial for print, radio or television, or a screen capture or printed copy of the webpage or e-mail, a weblink or e-mail forward for internet advertising. (Digital materials are to be e-mailed to bid@downtownhartland.com)

Completed grant applications and the advertising campaign plus quote/estimate can be mailed to the following address below, or e-mailed to bid@downtownhartland.com.

Hartland BID
135 Cottonwood Ave.
Hartland, WI 53029

Please note that the BID has a limited budget for the Co-Op Advertising Program. Grant money will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, contact the BID office at 262-367-6560 or bid@downtownhartland.com.

For Questions, please contact: Hartland BID Office 135 Cottonwood Ave. Hartland WI 53029 Telephone: 262-367-6560